
Voice disorders

When does a voice disorder occur?

A voice disorder is present when an individual expresses concern about having an abnormal voice that does not meet daily needs—even if others do not perceive it as different or deviant

(Source: American Speech Language Hearing Association)

A voice disorder occurs every time the person complains changes in terms of:

  •  voice quality

  • pitch

  • loudness of the voice

and is not in coordination with:

  • age

  • gender

  •  cultural background

  • or geographical location of a person

(Aronson & Bless, 2009; Boone et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2004)

Voice disorders could be either structural problems or functional as shown in the figure.

Dr Katerina Vardonikolaki

MD, PhD, Otolaryngologist (ENT)

Certified Doctor by Performing Arts Medicine Association

© Αll rights reserved Κ.Vardonikolaki

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